1. Type the Roundesk website https://roundesk.io/ in your browser
2. Click on "Sign In" button from the top right end of the Roundesk website
3. Enter the username and password in the Email and Password field
4. Click on "Sign In" button to login to Roundesk page
5. Click on profile icon at the top right corner of the Dashboard page
6. Select the 'My profile' option from the drop down list
7. Select the option as 'Yes' for the 'Customize your own Background Image' section at the my profile page
8. Upload one or more Background image by clicking on 'Choose File'. The Background Image should be as per specifications mentioned and in jpg or png format.
9. Select the desired background image and click on 'Save Changes'.
10. The Selected Background image appears during meetings hosted by the user. The user can have more than one background image and change the image for the meetings hosted. Currently there is only one Meeting id available for a user. But there is a future requirement of allocating more than one meeting id ( meeting room ) for a user wherein the user can customize a unique background image for each of the meeting rooms.