The user can schedule a meeting wherein he/she can assign another participant as the Host.

1. Login to 

2. Enter a valid username and password and click on Log in Button

3. Click on Schedule Meeting Button present either in the right side top of the page or from the left side panel of the page next to Timeline button

4. Enter the Title of the meeting in the 'Meeting Title'

5. Enter the date of the meeting in 'Start date'  and 'End date' filed

6. Enter the duration of meeting in 'Start time' and 'End time' field

7. Select the Time Zone from the drop down based on the location

8. In case of recurring meeting, select the checkbox next to 'Recurring meeting' and enter the values for the new fields populated namely Recurring Type and Recurring End date.

9. Enter the Email id and Name of the participants of meeting to be invited under 'Invite by Email' section and click on "Add" button

10. For the participant who will be assigned as Host, select the checkbox 'Host' next to the name and email address before clicking the "Add" button.

11. Select the appropriate settings for the meeting under 'Advanced Settings' section.

12. Click on "Save Schedule" button to schedule the recurring meeting.

13. The participant who is assigned as Host will receive a email invitation with Host Invitation.